While I was looking for information to share with you about it, I found this page which shows that there are a few different versions of the Christmas Spider poem, but the idea is relatively the same.
In case you haven't heard of it (or choose not to visit the spiderwisdom.com page) here is one we like:
(A folk legend from Germany and the Ukraine)
Once upon a time, long ago, a gentle mother was busily cleaning the house for the most wonderful day of the year.... The day on which the Christ child came to bless the house. Not a speck of dust was left. Even the spiders had been banished from their cozy corner in the ceiling to avoid the housewife's busy cleaning. They finally fled to the farthest corner of the attic.
But alas!! Everywhere they went they had left their webs, and when the little Christ child came to bless the house he was dismayed. He loved the little spiders, for they were God's creatures too, but he knew the mother, who had trimmed the tree for the little children, wouldn't feel the same, so He touched the webs and they all turned to sparkling, shimmering, silver and gold!
Ever since that time, we have hung tinsel on our Christmas trees, and according to the legend, it has been a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the tree.
It took a bit of coaxing to convince Matilda that we could create Christmas Spiders that our friends wouldn't be afraid of. After she saw how cute they were, she was excited to play with them until one by one they went to spend Christmas in Christmas trees at their new homes.
We wish you and your family A Very Merry Christmas!!
~Matilda and Bonnie