It was made using Tatskool (store link) size 20 ChocoRasberry. I did tat this once before, but I definitely need to practice tension if I'm going to tat this pattern again. I'm a pretty tight tatter, and I was concerned about how it would turn out if I tatted it in the tension I usually use, but maybe that would have made it more uniform.
I know alot of you have tatted this lovely pattern, in fact I believe it is Tatskool's (blog link) favorite pattern in order to check on color flow when she dyes new threads ......... anyway, I would appreciate any tips or tricks to this lovely pattern from anyone who has made it.
Happy Tatting, Happy Life,
As with my last post, this also was written on Sunday 2/21, but set to upload in the future. See I really do tat, I just don't make the time to blog about it. :-(
I love this pattern, too! I also have tension problems, especially with long chains. I think it just takes practice, practice, practice. Yours looks beautiful!
LOL! Just read your elephant post & yes I remember Tim Conway in that hilarious skit!
This heart does take some concentration to make but it's so beautiful. I think the hardest part is getting the tension on the inner chains symmetrical. They are approached from different directions which makes it trickier but they look great in your heart. I think it's important to snug up the chains frequently and then hope you can balance the differences in blocking!
It looks great! Pretty in this thread!
Fox : )
Hi Bonnie,
I have not tatted this pattern but I just posted one of Mary Konior's patterns in this exact same thread from Tatskool. Have you seen it. Anyway I hope to tat Heart's Desire one of these days.
Your heart looks perfect to does get easier the more you make!
This heart pattern has universal appeal, and you've done a very nice job, indeed. It always grabs my attention, but amazingly I haven't tatted it yet! It IS a great pattern for testing HDT colorways, as Tatskool does
I wonder if Susan ever dreamed how popular it was going to become, and how stunning it would look in most thread colors and HDTs.
I can't tell when she first designed it, but apparently she agreed to share it with Georgia's on-line tatting class, after her book "Potpourri of Tatting Patterns" (which I don't have) went out of print. I wonder if she became interested in tatting again.
Me again!
Just discovered to my amazement that Susan Fuller started a blog called "Tatted Threads and More" in 2006 and joined the 25-Motif Challenge(!) after being away from tatting for several years! She mentions that she published the book in 1995!
Her latest entry in the blog was in March 2007. So now I'm wondering why the blog stops there.
Your heart looks lovely in Tatskool's Chocoraspberry! I've tatted this one before but I don't have any tips except to go with the tension you feel comfortable with. I usually don't have problems with my tight tension because that's what feels right to me. You did a very nice job of it.
Forgive me for sounding like all the comments above, but your heart looks wonderful to me.
I have made two of these lovely hearts almost five years ago and I recall them being a bit tricky. Now I must make one again, to see if tension is easier, harder or the same. Thanks for sharing your lovely, lovely lace heart!
Love your heart and the colours are great!!!!!!
Bonnie, I'm so glad you came over to join in my blogoversary celebration! Thank you for being part of my blog life the past 2 years!
(((Hugs))) to you!
~TattingChic ♥
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